Nice work and sound analysis. There's only one point I have a different opinion: the impact of globalisation on poverty is that it globalised poverty. $1.90 in 1984 had the purchasing power of $ 5.35 today. Hence, the bar should be set at $5.35 to use the argument as indication that poverty decreased . We can discuss, if this is on the high end of adjusting the purchasing power but not adjusting the $1.90 for inflation deprives the argument for a solid basis, in my opinion.

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Global has not changed, the idiots who believe they can control it that have, the world is the same, the people of this planet though continue to destroy our planet stop fighting start building, all things , humanity is the WORSED VIRUS TO EVER HIT OUR PLANET,, cure it NOW , not tomorrow or there will not be a TOMORROW. (1RECC)

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