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It’s bizarre to read an article that is so obviously biased towards their team. Putin is part of the problem but only part. America more specifically the Democratic Party, under the leadership of Joe Biden, has much to answer for. This war was years in the making but it was the War mongers of this Administration that pushed the envelope towards war. A means to over throw a government and profit at the same time.

Russia has many faults and their leader also has much to answer for, but to believe it’s all one sided shows we have learned nothing as a society.

If we stand back and take an objective look at the War and the economic repercussions, it certainly looks like Russia is winning. The Ruble is now partially backed by gold, which by any standard makes it more valuable than all the fiat Countries of the world. Russian also supplies Oil and Natural Gas, with no shortage of customers, no matter what Western Media may say to the contrary.

It’s time the people demand change in this world. Enough with the Climate doom and gloom, stop over throwing foreign Government’s, lockdowns must stop as a tool to control the population and finally Media must break free of the grasp held by Govt and Big Business, spinning narratives.

Enough is enough, we’re mad as hell and we’re not going to take it !

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