Stop Waiting for the Perfect Idea, Prepare for Your Immense Success by Practicing
Be ready for the day when you have an extraordinary idea.
Success is never random in life. People who achieve great things end up succeeding after countless efforts. From the outside, you may have the illusion that everything came easily for some. But in reality, success always requires incredible effort.
At the beginning of a huge success, there is always an idea.
You may think that for success to be immense, it necessarily requires an exceptional idea. I notice that many people have a kind of fantasy about the role of ideas in the success they can achieve.
Waiting for the perfect idea is an infinite quest
For a long time, I put myself under an inordinate amount of pressure with the ideas I had. Before I started, I was always looking for a better idea. Here, the notion of better is totally subjective.
Constantly waiting for a better idea is a bad thing that prevents you from taking action. It’s like waiting for the perfect time to take action. As I like to repeat, the perfect moment is just a utopia in life.
There is no such thing as perfection.
It is up to you to take action, and then to build your road to success by adapting to the obstacles that will present themselves to you. All this with the right mindset. One of those seeing obstacles as opportunities to be seized.
Many people are afraid of obstacles, even though it is the best way for us to grow. It is in adversity that you will be able to surpass yourself. It is certainly not by staying in your small comfort zone.
The challenge is not to have extraordinary ideas
There’s nothing extraordinary about having ideas. Everybody has ideas. Even those who think they’re not creative always have a multitude of ideas that come up. You’re bound to have some good and some not-so-good ones in the mix.
So that’s not where the challenge lies.
The hardest part is next. Once you have a good idea, what are you going to do with it? Many unfortunately don’t even get to that stage. They’re too busy waiting for the perfect idea that never comes.
If one day this incredible idea should come into their heads, they would probably be unable to exploit it properly.
For lack of practice, they would not know everything that needs to be done to turn a good idea into a huge success. Having a good idea is within the reach of 99% of people.
The real challenge is to turn a good idea into a huge success
Turning a good idea into a huge success is a challenge that is reserved for what I call the 1% club.
This 1% club is made up of people who see opportunities where others only see obstacles. These are people who are not waiting for a hypothetical perfect idea. Members of the 1% club will start working directly on their good idea.
I have been striving to adopt this approach in my life for several years now.
Rather than waiting for a perfect idea that will probably never happen, I put myself into action on an idea that is good enough.
I’m talking about good enough, which is subjective because it’s obvious that if you spend a lot of time on a bad idea, you will waste energy and time. On the other hand, the borderline between a good idea and a great idea is difficult to define until you have tried to make it a huge success.
After you’ve had a good idea, you’ll have to iterate over and over again, always asking yourself the same question: what happens next?
Practicing as much as possible will prepare you for your future huge success
As you answer this question, you will adjust your initial idea while working on the resulting product or service. You will make efforts to make it more innovative while improving the outcome. In doing so, step by step, you will refine your idea and what comes out of it.
Some will ask me how many iterations are necessary?
It depends. You may not like the answer, but it is the only one that is valid. Each idea will require a different number of iterations.
Sometimes you’ll come to the realization after about ten iterations that your idea isn’t worth going any further, and that the product you’re developing doesn’t have that much potential.
You don’t have to insist at that point.
Other times, you may get to 100 iterations, and you’ll always feel that you can take your initial idea even further. Then you’ll probably be on your way to an idea that can become a huge success.
You’ll have a product or service that can make a real difference. A product or service that will place you in the 1% club.
On that day, you will be able to fully exploit your idea, because you will already be used to putting your ideas into practice. It won’t be the first time. All your past failures will allow you to make a difference with this new idea.
Final Thoughts
As a developer, I have created countless applications. I have also abandoned many of them. However, with each failure, I have learned things. Whether it was technical, marketing, or user needs, each failure has always been profitable to me.
I was then always able to put these past experiences to good use in my new projects. I have already had some great successes, but the best ones are still to come.
That’s the mindset you have to have as a producer: the best is always ahead of you.
My immense success has still not arrived, but I have acquired knowledge that will enable me to be able to seize my chance the day when the idea I exploit will be the one destined to become an immense success.
If I had waited for the perfect idea, I would still be waiting, and I would never have progressed. Today, I’m getting a little closer to it every day.
So my advice is simple: stop waiting for the perfect idea. Take action, iterate, fail, learn, and start over. You will progress little by little each day, and you will get closer to the famous 1% club.
Some reading
Self-Driving Car, Cloud, and Software: Huawei Opts for Diversification To Survive U.S. Sanctions - Huawei’s new mantra is clear: diversify or die.
Bitcoin Is a Technology To Fight Global Poverty - Bitcoin will clearly be part of the solution to this major problem for humanity.
3 Ways To Develop Your Sense of Empathy - Empathy is an essential personality trait for success in life.
Secrets of Peter Lynch To Make Money With Stocks - Learn to make money with the stock market.
10 Cognitive Biases You Should Avoid To Live a Happier Life - Take control of your mind.
The U.S. Dollar Has Many More Years To Go As the World Reserve Currency - The United States and China have a vested interest in seeing that nothing changes in the immediate future.