Stop Lying to Yourself, You Have Time if You Focus on Essential Things
We have the same amount of time at our disposal. It is up to you to use it for what matters to you.
I would like to do more, but I don't have enough time.
I'd like to spend more time with my kids, but I don't have enough time.
I'll stop there, but I'm guessing you've heard or even used, this type of excuse before. This complaint is the one used constantly by those who mismanage their time by misallocating their time on their various activities.
This excuse is used to excuse oneself and acts as a psychological band-aid. I have used it myself as well as anyone else.
We all have the same amount of time on our hands. The secret is to focus on your priorities
Yet, if you think about it, you have enough time. You have 24 hours a day like everyone else. Others manage to do well with it and don't say they don't have enough time. These people don't have a magic secret to turn their 24-hour days into 48-hour days. They simply learn to allocate their time to the things that matter to them.
Want to spend more time with your loved ones? Great! It's great to want it, but if you don't make the effort to put it in place, you'll never get there. In this case, that means making your loved ones a priority. Build your schedule first by including slots for the activities that matter most.
By doing this, you will soon realize that you had the time, but you were wasting most of your time procrastinating. Procrastinating by complaining about not having enough time, or procrastinating by staying on your smartphone scrolling endlessly through the content on your screen.
In short, you had time but had chosen to allocate it in the wrong way. I say wrong here because if you're complaining about not having enough time, there's something wrong. Maybe you consider that scrolling endlessly on your smartphone screen is a good thing for you. In that case, you can continue.
This is not my case, and probably not the case of the majority of those who will read these lines. Under these conditions, you have to act to avoid getting stuck in this trap.
By complaining about not having enough time, some people regret not being able to accomplish more tasks. These people feel that they are not moving fast enough to achieve their goals. For these people, the answer is the same: you need to prioritize your most important tasks, those that are essential to you. Then, you will allocate the necessary time to these tasks.
You'll stop procrastinating in one way or another, and you'll be able to accomplish more than you ever did before.
The first step is to open your eyes to this reality, and then allocate your time to what matters to you
It's all about prioritizing and allocating your time to the things that matter to you. The first step is awareness. It's not easy to realize that you've been lying to yourself for a long time, but when it's done with honesty, things can only get better afterward.
This initial realization will serve as the foundation for the changes you will implement in your life afterward. It is by stopping the constant lying to yourself that you will be able to focus on the essential things. You will be able to change your life positively because by focusing on what is essential for you, you will be de facto happier and more fulfilled.
For some, it will be more work. For others, more time with loved ones. I am not judging anyone here. The important thing is simply to find the best balance for yourself. That's the challenge you face now. An exciting challenge.
Some reading
Increase Your Productivity With the 11 Laws of Time. Learn to recognize these laws to take advantage of them.
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